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(1 edit) (-1)

This is the current discord link


I want to get current discord link plz

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I need a current discord link please


the dev is a scammer


Indeed. The dev pretty much scammed people at this point


Dev is too busy playing Genshin Impact and working on another project to put actual time into this game. Homie has almost been working on this for a decade and hasn't made much progress. Also won't be many more sex scenes as he finds them "boring as shit to work on." So despite the near million dollars he made on patreon minimal work has been put into this game. Don't expect a full release until 2024 if ever.


2024 is such a random date to throw out on a game that hasn't been properly updated in years lol


He finessed that much money out of people? Wow he's low-key a genius. Sit at home all day jack off and play genshin impact while people pay you for something you have no intention of finishing, LOL

is there proof of any of this


Could be thought but, could you make it so when people play they dont get flashbanged when cut scenes change, other than that good game 


Feel like I have seen bits of this game on the internet forever so finally glad to get to play even just some of it. Though feel like I ruined the boob physics juuuust a little bit during my time playing it.

Looking forward to the day it is finally completed, keep it up 👍

I don't have Discord, or better: I can't access it anymore because I don't have that email anymore.

Is there another way to come by the complete game?

I have the prologue for a long time already, and i never realized that there was more; as far as I know, the project was abandoned after the prologue was released.

Deleted post

In other words he just wants to charge people on his patreon to pay his bills indefinitely...

Deleted 22 days ago

There is only the Prologue build. There is no finished MGI. The dev made the prologue and subsequently abandoned the game.


Friendly reminder that anyone can false copyright claim his game on steam to get this piece of shit doxxed. Maybe that will put some motivation into his body! Simply open a claim with steam, hand them wrong contact details, fake company etc. and they will be forced to hand you over his actual details. It would be interesting to see if he paid his taxes accordingly, considering that he made so much money through crowdfunding...

Deleted post
Deleted 2 years ago

Where can I find the update?
Deleted post

Except it hasn't mate. He's working on another project while playing games and doesn't actually care about the project. Swindling people out of money at this point

Deleted post

Will there be more updates?


prob not, the dev is lazy af

Deleted post



is there any new updates?

The zip file doesn't download for me
(1 edit) (+1)(-13)

Your game ( monster girl island) looks amazing! Can I make a video playing it? I will add where it can be bought ^^(knowing that I post it on porn website and get some ad revenue from my videos) thanks for reading me! 


I personally return to this game every few months -- not because I hope it's done, but because it inspired me to work on games of my own. My work is nowhere near this level, but I sincerely hope that - at some point, this game is finally released / completed.


You make a cuck game with zero actual Monster girls. Lol no


Oh no, a "bad" comment from a random  rude person on the internet - that's never happened to me before. What ever will I do? 
My day is "totally" ruined. 


good luck to you friend


yo you gonna make an apdate? because i love the game


Any way to play on fullscreen?


Alt F4


maybe alt + enter




Guys, there are updates, and they are free, just join the discord


link please

Deleted cuz posted the wrone one


Bro, if you do not mind throwing an invitation to the server, as soon as I enter does not take :/


that's literally the invitation


dev sucks


Gameplay traduzindo para português do Brasil :)

actually nuts you havent had an update since 2019 being that it is almost 2023. I get that you want to just work on it but 3-4 years with no content or updates is actually insane when its buggy, slow and hardly has about 4-5 hours of content AT MOST due to the pretty lazy currency system


tbf it's free and it's his game so he can do anything with it


tbf i didnt ask, and no updates is a one way ticket to everyone forgetting about you


and if people forgetting you so what? and i seeing a lot of people coming here, even i got 8 downvote, me make me think they still remember him


As soon as he received crowd funding he became obligated to make the game that his patrons were promised


Quick, developer, take time out of your life to get an update to this free game out so this guy can rub one out! He is clearly more important than what ever you have going on!!

(1 edit) (+11)

People are rightfully angry with this dev.
For a point of reference, he generated almost 3 million dollars a year from this game at one point via Patreon.
It's been nearly 4 years since any kind of *substantial* update.

I can sort of understand their anger.


me when i lick the boot of a creator that gives no shit about the people giving money


Way more effort put into this than the contemporaries, solid game props to the dev hope he releases the final version sooner than later, but you cant rush a good product.


fuck the developer



Show post...

Is this game canceled?

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 344 days ago

The Mysterious Endgame

For anyone still waiting on the full version of this game you should know that the dev has admitted on discord that in all the time spent working since it's last update he has not made any new lewd scenes. He says they are "boring as shit to make" and that the final game will probably only have a "couple" of new scenes. So don't get your hopes up if that's what you're looking for, only look forward to this project if you are solely in it for the story (as ironic as that sounds).

Deleted 344 days ago

The funny thing is to see some people defending the creator. You see, if you make a game and it takes a while to update, what's the first thing you should do? Inform. Release Peaks to payers and then release to the public. But the creator doesn't even do that — anyone who defends it and still waits for a future update is stupid.


Same thing with the Summertime Saga
there a big division in the discord and mods are purging anyone that dares speak about the long time

Deleted 2 years ago

When you know how to interpret and realize that I quoted people who pay patreon waiting for updates, you will make a reasoned criticism in the next one.


Retard, you aint even looking for updates, last update was a year ago, he posted it in the discord for free, there are like 4 more sex scenes


With this baseless criticism you should just be friends with the creator sucking his ass, I won't even argue. When you have a good idea why — even those who pay patreon — don't get the necessary information about the game. Also, whoever asks is literally removed from the server.


poor kid got removed and is making a tantrum, that's all it was about at the end, just sad


idiot. You definitely sucking his ass.




I never got removed at all. It's a scam and this dude is stealing your money. His friends, like yourself promoting this scam continually are a joke.


I don't even know him 💀💀💀


A toast to all the idiots who actually supported this game! A toast to all delusional losers who are still waiting for it to come out! A toast to that bastard “developer”!


stfu bro just wait for the full game

why the heck is the graphic set so high that even the title screen crashes my whole computer, compared to when i can easily play the '(old)' version easily without anything crashing?!


Feel ya the game was smoother back then not sure why it's so laggy now I hope they fix this issue or at least automatically make it that the graphics are low when you start the game 


When Was the Prologue Put out


dead game




hello every body i have a question i was on discord and my account was hack and i cant joined this discord anymore and there was a few discord i cant join too does some no how to help out 


I don't know why people keep complaining and scolding the creator, it was clearly stated that this is the prologue and it was 3 year of work and it is free. But there won't be update until the final version of the game is done, which will be paid. So if the prologue only needed 3 year I can imagine the full game will be twice or thrice of that time. Let's just wait and act like intelligent human beings.

(1 edit) (+27)(-3)

The complaining and scolding is a result of lack of communication between developer and supporters. There has been no visible* progress of the game in a year+

(1 edit) (+8)(-25)

Did you ever thought about him being bored about all those when/where questions and thats why he doesn't answer? It was clearly stated that there won't be any more update for this cuz he is working on the full game, which is not 1-2 year to make. Even an experienced big studio is working on a game for 5+ years and however this game is by far not that big BUT THERE IS ONLY 1 PERSON HERE. So think about it and read carefully what he said before complaining. People should learn to read the ingame notifications and patreon/discord/website ones of a developer before scolding and asking stupid questions.


theres also a slight chance that he mightve gotten bored with the project and he is just racking up the money


LOL. Making excuses for a dev that scamming. Retard.


lol this comment alone shows your mental level, won't even bother explaining


Your comment shows how retarded you are. Supporting a scamming dev that does nothing but sit there stealing the money from patreons without any updates at all. In fact, what he's doing is illegal but you wouldn't know that with the dick of the dev in your mouth.

(2 edits) (+12)

I frequently see myself visiting this games page on Itch or Steam to see if its been updated. Unfortunately it has not. This game is fucking amazing and I hate to see that's it dead. I wish the dev would communicate on what's going on or at least explain why it hasn't been updated. I understand the fact that if hundreds of people are pressuring you because they want something, it can be very annoying. However, this wouldn't be happening if there was more clarity. Anyone seeing this game for the first time should try it out because it is great, but expect to be disappointed when it ends right as its starts to get interesting.


scummy dev


bans fans for asking about th egame, keeps the money. dont suport any of thier projects if youre smart


I don't know if you know this but go on his discord he has patreon version on their for free cause he got banned on patreon and he bans people cause people keep asking so leave him alone, he said it was 70% done


More like abandon than done.


Waited three years for an update and I do NOT regret cancelling my sub after on month of no news. Dead game, no updates. You also get banned from the discord for asking.


is there anything to do at least?


It's a pretty fun game for what's there, just don't pay money for it. 


There was no obligation to pay for this. You did that on your own accord.


I wish him good luck buy i feel sorry for the paying fans that waited years


Latest Update is 3 years ago.... 😂

Deleted 7 days ago

don't bother asking if theres gonna be an android version, the game hasnt had an update in 3 years and the dev bans people in the discord just by simply asking anything about it. it's not worth wasting time and questions on a scumbag dev that can't keep a fanbase or even be a civil person about questions. he was obviously only in it for the cash flow when he made the prologue, essentially dudes just a scummy scam artist.

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