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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Review about chapter four and the crap that came with.

Adult games are known for their lack of serious tone, numerous sexual scenes, and crappy minigames who’s sole purpose is to get a player laid- in game that is, I’m not sure anything could help them in real life. All kidding about stinky basement dwellers aside, I’ve played a lot of adult games, and I consider myself versed enough to write about a game I played recently, while also not being so experienced as to have the problem of a crusty keyboard.

Hopefully I got your attention with my crappy hook, I’ve got one thing I have to mention before we get started: The plot is all disorganized in this article, I simply went from memory, so, one or two of the missions that happened close to each other have probably been mixed up, since, the chapters are so short and hard to differentiate besides by name. Now I’ll actually get into the meat and.. potatoes? Of the article. I’ll be talking about my experience with a small game called Monster Girl Quest Island. MGQI, as I will abbreviate it from herein due to how much of a mouthful the whole four word title is, is a 3D dating sim game based off the simple genre of Monstergirls. Going over the basics, it’s a game where you wake up on a beach, talk to some rather rude monsters with some rather large “assets”, and then do fetch quests, and eventually meet a horrible end (we’ll get there). The game starts with you reading for a solid minute as a desperately lonely narrator asks you to be their friend, your screen goes white, and you wake up on an island in the middle of a small fight between some main-ish characters. After the small fight scene, we wake up finally in a bed surrounded by two residents of the village. The elf, Faranne, and the neko Ara standing beside your bed, as the elf interrogates you, and the neko simply plays the “awhh can we keep him please please please” card.

The elf folds, and says that the neko is in charge of our care (feeding, watering, etc) a dialog option is to go “woof” or to question if we’re a pet now, both result in us being called a pup by the neko in a cute way. Then, after that whole cut scene (that we’ve had to click and read entirely through) we end up finally being able to play the game- err, or so we thought, because we then go into another click through dialog right outside our house’s fence (though, as I’ll explain later, this case of a dialog is much more preventable, yet, vital for game progression. We can walk right past and explore a little, but, we’re locked in this load scene until we progress further.. which is yet another thing we’ll see reoccurring a lot.). Anyways, we watch the sole pair of previously mentioned residents explain what robots are in their own fantasy terms. Then, after another white transition, we get into dialog with the robot, and the pair, we go through some dialog that barely effects the gameplay, and then we get our first quest of the game! Previous editions of this game had you run along the beach to collect crabs that spawned in, but, this version has you playing hide and go.. crabbing? Hide and go seek, but decently hard, and with six stationary, seemingly dead crabs. This search and rescue mission takes forever unless you ask the robot girl for help, then, it gets really easy, but, slightly annoyingly controlled. The robot girl puts a “crabdar” app on your phone, it simply points an arrow towards whatever crab it spots, and you run around the village with the phone in the direct center of your screen as though you were either really old, or, had really bad peripheral vision. After you locate a crab, you then have to put the phone away with your right click, point at and grab the crab with your left, and then open your inventory to get the phone back on screen again for every subsequent crab. Once you have all the crabs, you get a reward: eating dinner while everyone yaps for a whole dialog jail sentence. After you’re out of dialog jail, you get a simple (yet worthwhile) scene with the elf, (as long as you chose the reward right) a conversation with the neko in her house to expose some lore and character traits, then, you’re off to bed to get a dream.

Every time we sleep, we get things to click through, sometimes it’s an animated concert that goes on for five-ish minutes straight, or, sometimes it’s a yandre rambling to you in your sleep/waking you up one time. Fast forward, because the next characters being introduced aren’t too special, and their introduction quest isn’t too hard (literally collect five logs and you win two cute kitsunes and a bitchy wasp. Note: even if you destroy your crossbow before the last scene in the woods, you still end up getting round-housed back to bed). After you wake up, you get the thanks from the one character that’s actually grateful for your assistance, and you get all the insults from the rest of the group. The start to the quest to find the second kitsune is forced, you can’t say “nope” forever, since the dialog just reopens repeatedly forever, to the same question until you give up and say “sure” to the nice girl who asked for help. After getting everyone settled in, the kitsune does something stupid (yet, cute in it’s own right) to get your attention, and warrant you some reward for all you’ve done for her.

You’re the only one who brought the logs, everyone else stood around like dipshits, the elf got knocked out because she did too many mushrooms, and somehow.. you’re the useless one? Anywho, the scene is cute, sleep, and you get another sequence, you wake up, go to your door, and are met with another forced dialog screen as robot girl says goodbye and fucks off, though, not without a gift that caused my heart, as frail and damaged as it is, to flutter slightly. Then we get forced into another dialog, this time with the wasp bitch and the neko, we’re (again) forced to help them get food, because for some reason they’re lazy, but, just before we go, we must choose violence on the wasp, else the pair bully us, this just results in us being called a bully.. but it’s worth it because the wasp isn’t so smug. Then, we wake up from a nap, because we somehow said “fuck it, we’re at the beach, we’re taking a nap” which is fair, we don’t sleep well in this game anyways. After being woken up and called lazy, we punch a tree for its nut to drop, then, we terrorize the crabs (we only need one, but, they’re fun to chase). After we have nut and crab, we need to fish with the pointy stick the neko gave us. We run in, stab a fish and we go to the neko for praise. If she thinks five seconds of violence against nature, crab molestation, and fish penetration amount to a lot of food being gathered.. Then, I really do see why we were brought along, we truly are a god. After we gave the neko crabs, we’re still locked in the playpen of a beach until we finish a few things. Firstly, there’s a puddle of purple goo on the ground on the lake side of the beach, and, after poking it, getting teased, and the slime girl running off to eat the wasp, we can take our sweet time running after her because in this very moment we have another partner to add to our growing list.

We can’t ignore this new character, else we never get her scenes later on, so, let’s get under the big purple target, and hope she doesn’t miss. For the shark girl’s entry, we have to tell her we won’t tell her where the robot girl is, get a little harassment, and then choose my favorite option of seeing her laugh at our down arrow dialog choice. With the cute laughing done, we’re free from her grasp, and we have to try talking to her again to get anywhere. After being told to fuck off, we bother her one last time, and get into a fun predicament.. so long as we click the red option and hope she smells blood~. After a light teething, we can get into the fun stuff, if we whine and act like we don’t like it, she’ll choke us to heaven. If we like her advances after the initial red option, she’ll let us top, with a little aftercare. Otherwise, you get left in the sand drained, and get to wake up with her gone. Either case, she disappears for a while, just one of them includes a goodbye of sorts being said, and additional information about her breeding season. Anyways, shartkussy achieved, pelvis destroyed, we move onto the lake where we get harassed by the wasp for food.

We can attack her with kindness, and it’s super effective. Last option left is being forced to be followed by her, until you get past the houses, and onto the raised platform far enough.. then, she poofs back to the dock and we get to laugh at her as the slime girl scares the shit out of the girl. No matter what option we choose, slime girl does not eat the wasp (bummer) and we end up forced into a game with the slime. The dialog choices are “Fine..” Something overly enthusiastic, and “I don’t wanna”, take your guess to which option disappears and leaves you with only one choice. Play the hide and seek game, win a prize-er win another two games? I na previous version the slime girl would actually hide and be kinda cute, but, this time it’s just “pick up my puddles for me”. After eight of those are grabbed, and the cute sprites for the puddles are added to your inventory, we get the next game. Now, we get a gun (shooting the wasp doesn’t do anything, sorry), and we get a game of whack a slime, simply shoot the slime enough and she’ll go into phase two for this game. A lot of the game is just running after her, aiming, and getting a couple of shots off before she appears somewhere else. She seems to stay nearby, but, can sometimes go past the platform into the second game’s starting area. Overall, a fun game, but a little long if you’re really bad at aiming or running (or both). Next game, we stand in a puddle of slime, infinite ammo glitch, and watch as she quickly moves around without much time to aim or get more than a few small hits here and there. If you’re lucky, she’ll pop up in the same place a few times, and make it easier, otherwise, she’s randomized around the board, so, stand on one corner and keep as much of your field of view open for her for ease of aiming. The gun’s range should reach the whole pool, but, aiming can be annoying with how close up and short the girl is.

Once you win, talk to the slime girl, watch as the bitchy wasp gets swatted, and then start talking one on one with the slime girl about a “reward” Stand still, and she’ll knock you out (again? Aw man), then, you’ll wake up to some fun. If you wanna eat slime, behave, if you wanna take the lead and skip that scene, attack. For a cute reaction, simply choose the biggest option when she’s on you in the last scene, and she’ll give you what you want. Flash to white, and we have a problem on the bridge that we’ll have to click a long time for. After starting the conversation, having our choice to run away from dialog simply denied, we get a long explanation of why humans suck, and why we’re all stupid. The neko pulls the uno reverse, the elf tries to stop her from being right, and we end the scene, with nothing left to do at the lake.

Walking to the village, we do a few “events” Mostly dialog, and then we go steal some ham from a certain house. Spider shoulder alternating touching later, and you got all sticky again. After that, we go through some basic dialog, a fetch quest of dragon flies, some spy scenes at the beach, and at the house, a new friend, some random running arounds, and then, we find the worst character’s friend, get a cooling down scene if we asked, and then move onto a few new characters, getting turned to stone, getting turned ON, and some forgettable things. After all that, I think we got a frog scene, but, I was too stupid to find her soon enough, so, I didn’t get that. I did get the ending to the whole game, and it hit like a sack of bricks to my stomach, I felt nauseous. Not only did we have a lack of control over this ending happening, but, we didn’t have much of a warning. Apparently just being nice to everyone fucks you in the end, because they couldn’t actually see the kindness. So, we can at least take comfort in getting one good scene just before we’re kidnapped, right? Nope, they haven’t even added the snake mommy’s comfort into it yet, about all we get is a peek at her snake milkers and a line of dialog before it cuts to us being dragged to our doom. long scene of uncontrollable dialog, sitting and waiting forever in a jail cell as everyone’s character starts to drain from their bodies, and then, the trial: a shitty, long, unforgiving trial that results in us being exiled from everyone we tried to help, the game closing right there with the last words we see being about our build being finished.

Overall, a 5/10, good smut scenes, decent selection for variants in the scenes, decent camera angles, but a crippling problem with progression, freedom, and sore dialog clicking fingers. There’s a few scenes I missed like the second shark, and the bunny, but, I simply forgot where they fit into the story, so, I didn’t mention them. About all I mentioned was what the gameplay consisted of, generally, and quite a lot of gaps in the eight or so hours it took to play through. The wiki page isn’t updated for the ending the game finishes with, but, hopefully they’ll write something eventually to explain how we got fucked in the end in a non-fun way.

If I were to have been the head of development for this, I probably would have made a few changes: Number one: Spacing, the plot is really crammed with barely any exploration ability, time control without going into new chapters, or any progression that feels right past the prologue. All the extra little dialogs we get trapped in as “events” are both annoying and restrictive. The dialogs being mandatory is great for forcing the plot onto the reader, at least partially, even after using an autoclicker to speed through what’s taking forever. Number two: Character progression, it’s simple, get a better system of getting characters to like you past one or two special scenes that don’t fill the bar past.. three on one of the characters? Be it by giving them gifts, dialog rewards, or something of the like. Lots of games use a store to buy items specifically as presents, but, I never liked that very much because of how impersonal it is. When you want to connect with a character, you want to invest time into them, and the best way to do that is with dialog, mini games, and something tangible you can choose to spend on them. My example would be putting flowers across the island, sea shells on the beach, and a way to combine things to be gifts, simply making a sandwich and sharing it feels a lot better than seeing a store entry for a single item for a single character. Actually gathering the materials, or shopping for them first adds a lot more time and commitment than “here’s a random prize for a random bae.. and this prize has no other use” type of inventory clutter many other games suffer from. This one has the exact opposite issue: A lack of items, or a lack of uses for them. Ever needed a flashlight? Nope, not even to find secrets in those dark corners of your house, or to scare away a certain wasp.

This all brings me to my third thing I would fix, and it can be summarized in a single word: Dialog. Dialog is what brings a lot of the lore, and a lot of the relationship points, fun scenes, and pain. If the game had a way to avoid being trapped in a dialog box, via a skip dialog button, or some verbal “hey, fuck off”, the game would be much better for it, especially when we get trapped in the dream concert for the fourth playthrough. A lot of the dialog is also too lore heavy, and thus, too long. When dialog is too long, and too often, it’s often hard to keep a player engaged, unless that dialog brings them value in some way. Lore dialog (which I’m pretty sure makes up the majority of what’s said in the game) does not give any particular value to listen to. Sure, some people like hearing about a bunch of stuff that does not apply to them or their gameplay, most fandoms have lore whores who love nothing more than a large filling of lore. The problem comes when non-lore-whores play, they want something a bit quicker than standing and clicking for two minutes straight just to get out of their house. If the lore provided gave a reward from a location being visited, a relationship being helped, or a skill being learned, people would actually want to listen to what’s going on. Simply add value to the words that are spoken, and they will actually mean more than “ughhhh, how much is hop-scotch gonna yapppp”.

The fourth (and final I hope) thing I’d fix is the “No” system. Allow the player to have a choice, we don’t want the one eye’d freak coming with us on our gay date, signed, everyone. Anyways, it’s a game with so much potential, and so much of it wasted in it’s current form. Even though the game is a decade or so old, it’s still in its infancy. It truly does feel like a step down from the prologue, and the fact that it was released in this state at all makes me sad. There was so much potential for actually playing a dating sim game, but, the game is just a visual novel with an extra D on their DD snake mommy. It’s just a 3D visual novel with an extremely low amount of choice. About all you can choose is whether or not you’re saving your innocence for the yandere to drink up one morning. But yeah, the biggest sin is the phantom of choice, too many options in dialog with not enough support for them, all falling into the same exact plot, just with an extra few screens to click through calling you names for choosing something other than “Sure!”. One little thing that I can’t fit anywhere else is simply how slow your character walks, and runs, one would think he’s carrying a lot more than a stack of thirty apples, and a good meat stick..

One of the other notable things about the game is that it chastises you for not fucking the monsters, which is uniquely over done, almost every monster you meet, and then get into a scene with will be very upset if you deny them. Take for instance the slime who knocks you out and leaves you on the floor after calling you an “asshole”, or the poor foxgirl who gets stuck on a bridge and whom you can’t even help without getting into a scene, so you just have to sleep pretending you don’t hear her little cries for help. I get that it’s a porn game, and that we should just be a dog all the time, and paw tiddies like they’re going extinct, but, if there wasn’t a constant annoying wasp bitching about food, one we can’t even shut up with food, we’d have a better game. And if there was a little bit of a nicer way to reject people on the short term, we’d get concussed out less by upset slimes. This has been a review on MonsterGirl Island on the newest build as of December 18th 2024, and I’ll see you for the next one. Ciao~


Abandoned game, lazy developer and waist of potential. Just like the images suggest I dont even know why I bother

(1 edit) (+6)

There's a more recent version of this game, last updated in August this year. Check their page, and stop crying under the old version.

Edit: I saw what went down regarding the official game, sad to see it end like this, looks like it won't be finished.


Dude, if you don't want to continue with this project, you can sell it to someone else to continue working on it. At least this work can be completed. As a capable artist, you should try to leave art in this world during your lifetime and make people remember you. Don't you think it's a pity to only do half of it? It's not about money!


He is in closed development, and he intends to update the game to version 1.0 at one time.


massive cope lol

hes abandoned this game, he collected all his followers and scammed the smut side of followers. He will continue this, but in a SFW version. 

(1 edit) (+11)

Man, this was such a good discovery back in the day, but you basically got lazy after getting a salary out of it. You had such a nice thing going but a single setback (your Patreon dying) and you just gave up, instead of rebuilding and capitalizing on it, you just let the momentum die instantly.

Focusing on just the writing is nice and all, but people got to the damn game cuz of the premise of very good 3D monster girl sex (which you were being fantastic with), yet if you find that the porn is hard to make, then just hire someone else while you write the story. People were in it for the sex, and the lore on top of it was a nice -addition- to the whole thing.

Now you have the fame of being a scammer cuz u got silent for so long, breaking promises along the way and now the new promises look incredibly, because I mean really? You barely could handle a single game and now you're planning like 5 new ones? 

At this point just write a book, and use the 3D models for the pictures within it, since I bet you'd find still images easier to make at this point.


Scammer should be reported

(1 edit) (+1)

For those who dont know : The game is dead. I suggest going to his Twitter ask him, or even instagran


stop talking about apk ok? This is a Pc game


apk version for Oculus Quest


not for mobile


doesnt matter u fag its still an exe and NOT an APK so it wont work on quest nor phone 


.apk version?


Can you put a version for android




Okay what is the new version now? Because it looks like if I follow the link, I actually get to an older version


There is latest version on steam

(1 edit)

Actually the latest version is on Patreon. The Steam version is a prologue/demo from a couple of years ago.

Is all the girls in old version also in the Steam?

I am sure there is, I played the game for 40 hours and have seen most of them

Alright, thx for the Info.

(1 edit) (+3)

is there any way for me to download the game rn? patreon is down for some reason (i want to download it from to patreon and ik this one is free)


This game is abandoned is why you cant download it on patreon..Patreon wanted him to remove the incest sisters and he told them to go F themselves and abandoned the game.


ummm what the game is still being worked on like you good? cus in his discord he already finished the game and will make another game that will continue off of the first one


"finishing the game" and "abandoning an incomplete game" sure are different things.


so you never heard of a sequel?

how do i get this to work for linux? i saw a comment earlier but im too dumb to understand it, so someone just explain how to run the game from terminal or from the files cause i pressed something there and it brought up the terminal


so when you going to finish your game

it's sad it will never get a update. i wanted to see more.   T^T


a month late, but check f95zone. its still in development.

It's marked as abandoned on f95zone. It is not in development


Game develpment is still active, redamz said it will come out once its 100% completed


why does it have a vr tag when theres no vr


you good


Can there be a android version please?


how do i fish


Wished that there Was a android vers


small qstion on you are put on abandond now i wonderdid you really quit this pretty game




Spoilers don't read unless you have played through  all content.

Is the newest version still in the banished spot after it becomes clear cyclops is the villain. I think last adult content spot was supposed to be with the snek and incomplete.


the game is so good ,please keep completing it!we can pay for it!!!


This is the first 3D game that was really good cant wait for the final version


hi can bring an android version? awesome game


I just spend $5 on it. Including my $5 sponsorship of MGI Prologue, I do expect the latest version or the complete version!


Oi poderia trazer uma versão pra Android??

Deleted 53 days ago

Android version ????


Could you steam part 2? All forms of payment: Paypel, Patreon. You need a credit card, and I don't have a credit card. If you do, you can help me and help you with the earnings of those who do not have a card. Please! I need a second part, PLEASE!

Deleted 4 years ago

Am curious what u got in store



I'm not too sure how to pm but id love a list if you're willing to send me one :)


my guy hit me with some good games, i seriously can't find anything good that supports android, aside from third crisis and monster girl quest, everything was dull and incomparable


Am curious Too pls


@nanamonster could you tell me some good games too?


@nanamonster I'm curious about your list.


im definetly curious even if its paid games

look up f95zone. then click "latest updates". There's a lot there. You might need to make an account thought. I'm not sure.


will you make an android version?

I have a problem with Mac version I can download the game but when I try to launch it, the message "impossible to open MGI" pop. Can you help me the game looks very cool

(1 edit)

Have you tried the newer versions? I would imagine they work better.

had the same problem, its a issue with permissions. To fix it open terminal and if MGI is in applications write 

cd Applications

and then

chmod +x "/Applications/"

hope this helps :)






Where can I buy the full version?

You have to wait a while, he doesn't even have a full version yet(to the best of my knowledge). 

The dev is trying to get the prologue onto Steam.  I imagine that he will post it here too when that happens.


Here's a few more episodes recorded on the latest build. Lots of Monsters to enjoy.


Where can I buy the full version?

there isnt one just yet, it is still being made, the dev is up to chapter 4 of the story and each chapter lasts maybe a little longer than a day (ingame) you can finish the game in about 2 hrs


this game has a full version tho

it does?

sry my bad, it's prologue




can't wait to play!


Cant wait to play.

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