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how do you get onto the game

I seen a youtuber play this so i played it and its pretty good!


She's so cute! How do I seggs her?


shut the fuck up




(1 edit) (-2)

what is the 


Can't open on Big Sur MacOS.


I've just updated, and can normally step around restrictions in the System Preferences > Security > General tab, but not now. Boo!


Love the game bro. Wish there was the "true" ending where you end up with elevator girl ;)

Really nice game, LOVED the music. Wasn't expecting what happened in ending 8 or the reason behind the elevator but it makes sense.

Ending #8 hits DIFFERENT (^ -^) I've still got a long way to go but this is a fun 'trip' haha. Here's my trip on the elevator!


i'm the King, man. i run the Underworld, guy. i decide who does what and where they do it at. what am i gonna run around and act like i'm some teeny bopper or somewhere for somebody else's money? i make the money man. i roll the nickles. the game is mine. i deal the cards.

No fucking way. that has to be photoshopped.

Cute game, kinda makes you wanna be a good boy while alive

for some reason when i download it and try opening it it closes it...

I would love if you add a voice for every character.


How Do I Make It Fullscreen?

(1 edit) (+1)


what about alt enter


IF there is one, just one thing I'd rather didnt happen, is the game shutting down everytime

But, as an experience, it feels oddly fitting

It says that it's a virus, and I'm on windows. Is this a false positive?


prob yes




Thank you. I like to be cautious with my computer. Unless it's a trusted game like FNF!


I actually managed to get 3 of the same number on the slot machine... 

Nothing happened. :(


thats the point, she said that you can never win no matter what . Hope it helped :)


That's actually why I thought it was weird that it can actually happen


It happened to me too. Was so happy that I didnt react on time to SS it haha

(2 edits) (+1)

Nice game. The art is good, music is great. Really cute girl he he.

could you make a web version

yeah  i want the same thing




feel bad for you

theres a mac version now!






how i play the game?


oh wait u press on the picture thing and press alt+ente


I really loved this game its really well done, ive only played once but I will defenetly play again to see the other outcomes

(3 edits) (+20)

The game was fun and I enjoyed the subtle hints at the true nature of "The Elevator" as I played. However, it was also a bit tedious when it came to getting all the endings, so here's my personal guide for anyone who was struggling to get them like me:

  • Ending 1: Pester the Elevator Girl with annoying questions at every opportunity.
  • Ending 2: Accept the job offer when prompted.
  • Ending 3: Keep playing the slot machine many times until she suggests you to stop.
  • Ending 4: Press "444" on the panel right in the beginning.
  • Ending 5: Give answers that mainly involve eating, especially not giving up your tongue.
  • Ending 6: Accept the offer to trade places.
  • Ending 7: Somehow the HARDEST one to get with the most ambiguous conditions, but my theory is that you have to barely avoid all the previous endings and yet still get enough "sin points" to trigger this ending (e.g. pester the Elevator Girl 2 times in the beginning, but not enough to trigger the first ending, etc). Personally, the sole variable that tripped me up was pulling the slot machine's lever just enough times (around 7?) before moving on to the other floors.
  • Ending 8: Don't trigger any of the other endings by doing the opposite of the previously mentioned instructions and you'll get this one pretty easily.

Oh, and here's my playthrough with all the endings if you're lazy and don't mind listening to some jackass talking over the gameplay!

(1 edit) (+3)

Is ending 4 not accessible anymore?

EDIT: It is. Sorry, I was sleepy and didn't get the joke initially.

unfortunately i cannot get any past the slots due to my game not showing the play or leave buttons

you put it in fullscreen(rookie mistake)

Very helpful. Thanks mate.

(1 edit) (+3)

Question, when I open the game the window is really small. But when I try alt+enter it makes the resolution fuzzy and bad. How can I fix this? (I'm on windows)


Well, that was fun! I'm doing an all-endings run. It gets a little tedious in the long run but hey, that's the theme haha


Late to the party, but this game's adorable in its design and humor, so I had to do it anyway. Thanks for sharing it with us, my dude!


The wiggling!  So cute


ok for the floor 0 final ending i feel like they might have changed it up a little, because oh wow you get to be reborn is somehow a punishment, i mean life is supposed to have a little suffering in it, it would only be truly bad if it were 100% torture, or 100% happiness and smiling, you need both


Please, do ANDROID version of this game.



I found this game to be endearing. I did the best I could to play this game staying true to myself to get what I personally would be my OWN fate If I was put into this predicament.  This game freaked me out a bit when you play this game true to your own beliefs. I thought I was going to suffer, no spoilers, but I think I think the Elavator girl really did pick the best Floor just for [0] me.


Some questions about screen fit - the game is supposed to be in a 'phone-esque' vertical ratio. Try Alt+Enter to force it. We're aware of the screen size issue that affects some people (it's a unity thing). 

alt+enter dosent work on mac , do you know any other combination that works on mac ?

I cant see all the questions when she asks me. it doesnt fit me screen.

Lol where are the button is this a bug or something? or is my screen size?

Are u able to use the slot machine ? , cause this is how it looks for me.

(1 edit) (+1)

I am on a macbook pro , and no matter what i do i am unable to pull the lever on the slot machine , is this a bug or i am just doing something wrong ? 

can you give me link?


Please make an android version.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hands down one of the best indie game I've ever played, and to think that it was done in 48 hours and it's completely free! What looks like a simple and straightforward game actually hides some very deep and phylosophical messages. I played it with my friend over a Discord call and we istantly got hooked and got through all of the endings. Everything about the game was simply spot on: the ambience, the art, the music, all fit together perfectly. All of the endings made us stop to think about what their deeper meaning could be and make connections, as a lot of people have already said, with the seven deadly sins. The game is very short so definately give it a go, it will surely be worth your time.

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